Lens Distortions

Email Refresh + Migration



Email Strategy + Design


Increase Open Rate
Increase Click Rate
Upscaling Overall Look and Feel
Building automations into an existing email strategy


Clear and image-driven email that highlights Lens Distortions expertise in the industry and its connection to creators.



From a design perspective, larger text and less of it makes emails not only easier to read but integrates the messaging into the overall look and feel. Header text can overlay on images with a purpose to make a point while good imagery can tell a story. Testimonials and user quotes can play as section breaks while adding value to the end communication.

We simultaneously migrated the newsletter list from MailChimp to Klaviyo working with a large audience to an even more robust platform. This requires a warm-up period that can bring on its own challenges but in our case yielded some great open and click through rates. Klaviyo has had an incredible impact on such a detailed and robust company, and going forward detailed segmentation needs to be incorporated to get the most out of each subscriber who clues into the newsletter.